
时间:2005年04月04日 14:39    编辑/作者:佚名   6650


《洋话连篇II》目 录:

1:Dig in狼吞虎咽
2:aking suggestions苦口婆心
3:Saying something is easy小菜一碟
4:Dislike and negtive糟糕透顶
5:Asking personal questions绝对隐私
6:Subtle hints婉言相劝
7:Showing joy about something开心辞典
8:Having a bad day哎,喝凉水都塞牙
10:Performence idioms妙喻种种
12:Saying no firmly你可以说不
13:Asking how to use something这个怎么用啊?
16:Kitchen idioms厨房谚语
17:Cleaning up净宅
18:Medical emergency紧急呼救
19:Sold out空空如也
20:Agree with someone不谋而合
21:Time off上班族必用
22:Addressing friends casually呼朋唤友
23:Animal idioms动物趣语
24:Good worker埋头苦干
25:Lame car老爷车
27:When something amazing happens飞来之福
28:Been robbed,theft.小心为妙
29:Coincident meeting奇缘巧合
30:Hanging out过把瘾
32:Suggest what to do using questions游戏总动员
35:Experssing seriousness.嘿!正经点!
36:Bad driver笨司机
37:Ordering food餐前点将
38:Telling others to enjoy themselves你快乐,所以我快乐
40:Expressing confidence in somebody加油吧!朋友!
41:Hearing news消息灵通人士
42:Wish good luck in sports赛场风云
44:When somebody asks you stupid questions玩世不恭
45:Accept offers欣然接受
46:Movement in crowd人海之中
48:Asking for direction迷途知返
49:Say goodbye一路顺风
50:In good mood情绪飞扬

=========第1课=====Dig in狼吞虎咽
1:(Just) dig in吃吧!
2:(I love) to pig out on junk food(我喜爱)吃零食
3:I'm starving to death我快要饿死了
4:I'm stuffed我吃饱了
Dr.Weird knows a little bit about everything.奇怪博士什么事情都知道一点
I knew we could count on him.我知道我们可以信赖他
Uh huh.Uh huh.

Come check out my new digs.来我的新房间看一看
I dig this place.我很喜欢这个地方
you dig?你喜欢吗?

=========第2课=====Making suggestions苦口婆心
1:Would you mind if I make a suggestion?我能给你一个建议吗?
2:No,go right ahead.
3:If I were you I would (keep studying english)如果我是你的话,我会……
4:Maybe you could give another example你也许可以给些别的例子。
5:Maybe you could try/use a diffrent color
6:I wonder if it might be at all possible,
7:Would you please use ……
Hey Hogle,look at this place.过来看看这个地方
Is this a great restaurant or waht?这真是一个好饭店啊!

Do you have another suggestion?你有什么建议吗?
What do you suggest?你要建议什么?
I wouldn't suggest that.我不会提那样的建议的。


=========第3课=====Saying something is easy小菜一碟
A piece of cake.小菜一碟!
It's a breeze.不费吹灰之力!
No sweat.太简单了!
It's a snap易如反掌!
as easy as rolling/falling off a  log[口]极其简单容易
At first that can be a little tricky.刚开始也许会有一点儿难。

Snap to it开始干吧
Make it snappy快一点儿!
Don't snap at me.别冲着我大喊大叫!


=========第4课=====Dislike and negtive糟糕透顶
Bites(I think that bites) 我看它可太差劲了!
It bites/Your idea bites
Lame(That's so lame)不太好
That movie's lame/that's lame/It's lame/you're lame/I'm lame
I really stink我很差劲!
The weather really stink today,Don't you think?
on the subject of关于, 论及

This food has bite这种东西有点儿辣
Don't be scared,I don't bite别害怕,我不吃人。
Don't bite the hand that feeds you不要恩将仇报哦!


=========第5课=====Asking personal questions绝对隐私
Do you mind if I ask you if you're married?
May I ask you a personal question?
Would you be offended if I asked you (your weight/age)
But it softens things a little bit但是这样就使之缓和一点了。

It's a personal matter.这是私人问题。
Don't take it personally不要太个人感情用事。
It's not personal,it's business.这是公事,不是私事。


=========第6课=====Subtle hints婉言相劝
Have you ever thought about (getting some new shoes)
Do you think it would be a good idea if (you change your hairstyle/haircut)
Have you ever considered (wearing some different clothing)
What?These are great shoes.What are you trying to say?(怎么了?这是很棒的鞋啊,你到底想说什么?)

Thank you for your consideration.谢谢你的关心。
How considerate of you.你真体贴人啊!
I will consider it.我会考虑这件事的。

=========第7课=====Showing joy about something开心辞典
That's good to hear!听到这个消息太好了!
That's great news!真是个好消息!
I'm so happy for you!我真为你高兴!
Let's get outta(out of) here.我们走吧(换个地方吧)
Get outta here.算了吧(我才不信你那一套)
Water boy端茶倒水的小厮

Can I see that newspaper?我能看一下那张报纸吗?
Have you heard the good news?你听到那条好消息了吗?
I can't wait to tell them the news.我都等不及要告诉他们这个好消息了。

=========第8课=====Having a bad day哎,喝凉水都塞牙
I'm really having a bad day我今天真的很倒霉。
I guess today is just not my day我想今天不是我的幸运日
I'd hate to be in your shoes我真希望自己不是象你这个样子
Well,If you see a guy like me.如果你看到某个象我一样(倒霉/幸运)的家伙

Bad day:
I'm having a bad hair day.我今天的发型很难看。
Tomorrow's a bad day for a meeting.明天不是开会的好时机。
You picked a bad day to ask me that.你询问这件事的时机不对。


(I think)The Olympics rock!!!(sth rock)奥运会太棒了!
Blowgun's awesome!!!(Anything that is awesome)吹箭运动很不错!
Diving is excellent!潜水运动非常精彩!
Women's gymnastics is bad!女子体操表演太出色了!
I'm more of a blowgun kind of guy.我更喜欢吹箭

I had an excellent time.我度过了一段美妙的时光。
You speak excellent English.你的英语说的很棒。


=========第10课=====Performence idioms妙喻种种
(She's) faster than lightening她比闪电还要快!
(You are/I'm) slow as a turtle我跑的像乌龟一样慢!
A big day of my life我人生中重大的一天
(Thay are/He is) as cool as a cucumber他比黄瓜还要酷(镇定)
Good time.时间不错(指跑一圈所费时间多少)

That's a cool jacket,这件夹克很不错!
Don't be so cool with me.不要对我这么残忍!
It's a little cool outside.外面有点冷。

My back's/arm's/leg's/neck's killing me!我的后背痛死了!
Hey!Let me help you up.让我来帮你起来。
Are you injured/OK?(injured程度要比OK严重)你受伤了吗/你没事儿吧?
They might not be thinking clearly.他们可能正神智不清。

You should seek help.你应该找人帮忙。
Would you like me to help you?你想让我帮你吗?
Can you help me,please?你能帮我一下吗?

=========第12课=====Saying no firmly你可以说不
No way!没门儿
Forget it!算了吧
Not a chance!没戏
(we've)gotten that out of the way把……障碍清除掉了/把……事情了断了

Forget about it!别放在心上。
I forgot your name我忘记了你的名字。
Don't forget me.别忘了我哦!

=========第13课=====Asking how to use something这个怎么用啊?
How do you use this (thing)?你怎使用这个东西?
What's this for?(What does this do for you)这是干什么的?
What're you supposed to do with this?你用这个东西做什么?
I just figured it out我刚刚想出来

What do you suppose I should do with this?你认为我该用它做什么呢?
Am I supposed to care?我应该关心吗?
Now you're supposed to talk.现在该你讲了。

You're an animal lover.你是一个喜欢动物的人。
Do you have a pet?你有宠物吗?
Dog is man's best friend.狗是人类最好的朋友。
I'm rubbing off on you我影响/同化了你

You live like an animal.你象动物一样邋遢。
I'm a party animal.我是一个喜欢聚会的人。
Don't be such an animal.别像动物一样(烦人)!


I just got into a fight.我刚刚卷入了一场争斗。
I/you got beat up我被痛打了一顿
He punched me out他把我打了出来
I got creamed/He creamed me他揍了我一顿
I thought I could be the next Bruce Lee.我觉得自己能成为李小龙第二。

I like a song with a good beat.我喜欢节奏美的歌曲。
Beat it.我们走吧。
You beat me at my own game.你毁了我的计划

=========第16课=====Kitchen idioms厨房谚语
Don't cry over split milk.不要做于事无补的事儿
Too many cooks spoil the broth.太多的厨子做坏汤
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.不要孤注一掷
I'm sick of this我真厌烦这个
I'm not going to mess with this anymore.我不想把这件事情弄更糟了。

You're so sopiled!你被宠坏了!
The bad news spoiled my day.这条坏消息把我这一天都搞砸了。
Don't spoil your appetite by snacking.不要吃太多零食搞坏了胃口。


=========第17课=====Cleaning up净宅
Would you just look at this place.看看这个地方!
Why don't we do the bathroom first.我们从洗手间开始(打扫)吧!
What should we take care of next.我们下面清理什么地方?
Why don't we just straighten up a bit.我们为什么不整理一下呢?
I'm in lot of trouble.我正有很多麻烦
She's going to be here in no time.她很快就会来这儿。
I can finish in no time.我能很快的做完

I have to set the record straight.我得把事情搞明白了!
Is my tie straight?我的领带戴正了吗?
Be straight with me.对我就直截了当吧。


=========第18课=====Medical emergency紧急呼救
Somebody call an ambulance.哪位打电话叫救护车!
Somebody call 911.哪位打911
Is there a doctor in the house?这屋子里有人是医生吗?
What's the emergency?发生了什么紧急事件啦?
I just,I haven't been eating properly and I haven't been sleeping properly……我只是,我没有适当的进食和睡眠。

We're holding an emergency meeting.我们开了一个紧急会议。
He escaped by using the emergency exit.他从紧急出口逃了出去。
In case of emergency,press this button.有紧急情况下请按这个按钮。


=========第19课=====Sold out空空如也
I'm sorry,They're/We're all sold out. 对不起,我们卖完了。
We're all out (of sth).(句可以用于几乎任何东西被用完的情况下,例如钱、油、食物等)我们这里没有……
When will you have more?你们什么时候还有?
Can you order me some more/another one (shirt)/another pair?你能给我再进一件吗?
Don't wait around for that.你等不到(这个事情发生)了
To wait for that.等着看吧

Would you like to order anything else?你还想要其他的东西吗?
Is that an order?这是一个命令吗?
I was just following the orders.我仅仅是奉命行事。

=========第20课=====Agree with someone不谋而合
You said it/You just said it.你说对了!/你刚好说对了
That's for sure!没错!
You're absolutely right.完全正确。
That's right.正确
(you) feel very strong about (it).(你)对之强烈坚持。

Are you absolutely sure?你百分之百的确信吗?
He did absolutely no work.他什么都不做。
It's an absolute fact.这是千真万确的事实。

=========第21课=====Time off上班族必用
I'm sorry,I can't make it in today.对不起,我今天不能去上班。
Is it ok if I leave early today?我今天早点回家行吗?
I think I need to take some time off.我想我需要休两天假。
I would like to request a leave of absence.我想请几天假。
(I think) I ate something wrong.(我想)我吃坏了什么东西。

Do you have any requests?你有什么请求吗?
I came early at your request.我应你的要求早来了。
Your presence has been requested.你需要在场。


=========第22课=====Addressing friends casually呼朋唤友
What's up,brother?哥们儿,怎么样啊?
He's my righthand man.他是我最重要的朋友。(像右手一样不能缺少)
Hey,how are you,Amigo?(Amigo,西班牙语中的朋友,尤用于加洲)
Rick and me,We go way back.我和Rick,我们已经认识很久了。

He's like a brother to me.他就像我的兄弟一样。
He acts very brotherly towards me.他对我就像兄弟一样。

=========第23课=====Animal idioms动物趣语
I eat like a bird.我吃东西像鸟一样地少。
He/My father eats like a pig.他吃起饭来像猪一样。
He's as strong as an ox.他壮得像公牛一样。
He drinks like a fish.他是个酒鬼。
You're giving me a hard time about…….你就……方面,给我很大的压力。

This place is a pig sty.这个地方像猪圈一样脏乱。
I made a pig of myself at dinner.我晚饭吃的很多。
Don't be such a pig!不要象猪一样!

=========第24课=====Good worker埋头苦干
She's a real workaholic.她真的是个工作狂。
She's a real team player.她是个具有团队合作精神的人。
Everyone,you're doing a great job.大家伙干的不错。
I don't know what to do with myself.我不知道自己该做什么好。

I don't like team sports.我不喜欢团体运动。
Take one for the team.让我一个人来承担吧。
We make a great team.我们是很好的组合。

=========第25课=====Lame car老爷车
This car is a hunk o'junk.这部车很差劲。
(Everything in this car is) It's Broken down.(电视、收音机、洗衣机等小件的损坏称为broken,大件如汽车、飞机、火车、轮船等则使用broken down形容)车子坏了。
This car is a real lemon.这是部很烂的车。
A calssic 1974 car.1974年的古董车

My appartment was broken into yesterday.昨天我的房子被盗了。
He had a nervous breakdown.我焦虑得几乎崩溃了。
I'm broke.我身无分文了。
I've got something (special) for you.我有点东西给你。
You don't have to give me anything.你不必给我带什么礼物的。
You shouldn't have!你太客气了。
She's a little old for that.她已经过了喜欢某物的年龄。

Something's up.有什么事情发生了。
Something about this doesn't feel right.事情有点儿不对劲。
I've got to do something to help.我得帮忙做点什么。

=========第27课=====When something amazing happens飞来之福
This is unbelievable.这太让人难以置信了!
This is a dream come true.这真是美梦成真啊!
this is the best night of my life.这是我生命中最美的一个晚上!
rats胡说, 瞎扯
You slept like a log.你睡得象块木头。

Dream on.继续做梦吧。
What's your dream?你的梦想是什么?
Stop dreaming your life away.不要再做白日梦了!

=========第28课=====Been robbed,theft.小心为妙
Your/My backpack's been ripped off!我的背包被偷了!
They really cleaned me/you out!我被偷的一干二净。
You've/I've been cleaned out.我被偷的一干二净。
You can't be too careful.你怎么小心都不过分。
Always a pleasure.(初次见面时说Pleasure to meet you,以后见面就可以说Always a pleasure)很高兴总是能遇到你。

What a rip off.真是敲竹杠啊!
He ripped my idea to shreds.他不喜欢我的想法。
I ripped my sleeve on a nail.我的袖子被钉子挂破了。


=========第29课=====Coincident meeting奇缘巧合
I didn't expect to run into you here.我没有想到会在这里碰到你!
What a surprise to see you here.在这儿看到你,太让人吃惊了!
What a coincidence.真凑巧啊!
I want to keep my shape.我想要保持体形。
That's quite a shape you've got there.你那里的体形相当不错。

That's no surprise.这一点也不奇怪。
Let's throw her a surprise party.我们办个舞会,让她惊喜一下!
Are you surprised to hear from me?你收到我的信,觉得吃惊吗?


=========第30课=====Hanging out过把瘾
Why don't we go out and hit the bars?嘿,我们出去逛逛酒吧怎么样?
Let's go out and do the town.我们出去了了吧!
How about we go bar-hopping/club-hopping.我们逛逛酒吧怎么样?
Pick up some chicks.约会一些女孩。

She's a small-town girl.她是一个小城市女孩。
I live downtown.我住在市中心。
It's not such a bad town.这个城市还行。

Where is the best spot in town to hang out?市区哪个地方最好玩?
There's a lot of chicks in here tonight.今晚这儿有很多漂亮姑娘。
Excuse me,Would you like a drink/to dance?对不起,想喝杯酒吗/想跳只舞吗?
In fact there'a a couple over here that I think are kind of digging me.事实上,那儿正有2个女孩,我觉得她们似乎看上我了。
We can only hope.我们可以将之仅作为一个希望。

I spotted you from across the room.我在屋子里注意到你进来了。
Could you spot me some cash?你能借我点钱吗?
Don't put me on the spot.别让我成为众矢之的。

=========第32课=====Suggest what to do using questions游戏总动员
Hey,You know what I wanna do?你知道我想干什么吗?
I tell you what I want,I really wanna ……
Who's up for some television/some dinner/some hockey/some pool?看看电视怎么样?
Whadaya(What do you) say we play pool/go pooling/whtch TV/take a nap?你看我们玩台球行吗?
What do you say we get outta here.
Okey,This is a whole different story.好的,这是另外一码事情。

What are you up for?你想做什么?
What have you been up to?你最近怎么样?
I'm not up to the challenge.我还没有准备好接受挑战。


What's it like outside today?今天外面天气怎么样?
It's pouring.外面下着倾盆大雨。
It's really coming down.外面真的在下雨。
It's clear and sunny outside today.天气晴空万里。
It's a beautiful day outside today.今天天气很好。
A man who's never experienced a cloudy day in his life.一个天性乐观的人
sunny day乐观

Come down:
I think I'm coming down with something.我想我是生病了。
Please come down to the office.请到办公室里来一下。
Are you coming down here to meet us?你来这儿是来看我们的吗?

You're a loudmouth.你真能说啊!
You never shut up.你从来都不住口。
You always talk my ear off.你把我的耳朵都说掉啦。
It's so great.I have such a good time here.这里真好,我在这里过得非常愉快。
Going on.继续(说下去)。

Shut up!住口!
Shut down the computer please.请把电脑关上。
Don't shut me out!不要不理我!

=========第35课=====Experssing seriousness.嘿!正经点!
Hey,Be serious now.严肃点儿!
Don't joke around.别嬉皮笑脸的!
Hey,I'm not playing/kidding (around) with you now.我没有和你开玩笑哦。
(Just) Get this over with.快点结束吧(不喜欢,但有无可奈何,所以希望对方快点结束这件事)

That's a serious question.这个问题还需要考虑(这是个严肃的问题)
Are you serious about him.你对他是认真的吗?
I'm seriously considering it.我正在认真地考虑这件事。

=========第36课=====Bad driver笨司机
Where did you learn how to drive?你在哪里学的开车(简直就是乱开么)
You drive like a maniac!你开起车来像个疯子
(Would you) keep your eyes on the road!嘿!开车时看着点路。
I'm afraid (that's what's going to happen to us)我真怕会有什么事故发生在我们身上。

You're driving me crazy.你让我发疯(受不了你了)。
You drive a hard bargain.你真能侃价!
I have the drive to succeed.我有获胜的勇气。

=========第37课=====Ordering food餐前点将
May/Can I see the menu?我可以看一下菜单吗?
What do you recommend?(用于询问餐馆服务人员)你推荐的菜是什么?
What's good here?(用于问以前来过该餐馆的朋友)这儿有什么好菜?
May I take your order?您要点菜吗?

What's your recommendation?你推荐的菜是什么?
This movie was recommended to me.有人像我推荐这部电影。
I don't recommend the pasta.我不推荐这种面条。

=========第38课=====Telling others to enjoy themselves你快乐,所以我快乐
I hope you have a good time.希望你玩得开心。
Have fun.玩好啊!
You wanna come with?你也想参加吗?
(Hey,I hope) you guys have fun without me.别管我了,你们好好玩去吧!
Hey.You guys have fun play badminton.嘿,祝你们玩羽毛球开心。
I have fun watching TV last night.我昨晚看电视也愉快。
Did you have fun vacation.你的假期过的好么。

Good time:
That's what I call a good time.这就是我所谓的好时光。
What's a good time for you to meet?什么时间见面比较好?
He knows how to have a good time.他知道怎样玩得开心。


Excuse me,is this seat taken?对不起,这个座位有人吗?
No,go right ahead.没有,坐吧!
Sorry,somebody's already sitting here.抱歉,这个座位已经有人了。
Excuse me.Is is all right/Do you mind if I join you?/May I join you?我坐在这儿可以吗?
Sure,have a seat.没问题,请坐吧。
Wow,You are a genius.哇,你真是个天才。

I'd like to reserve two seats.我想预定两个座位。
We were flying by the seat of our pants.我们仅仅是凭感觉做事。
We'd like to be seated together.我想和你坐在一起。


=========第40课=====Expressing confidence in somebody加油吧!朋友!
I konw you can do it.我知道你能做到。
I have faith in you.我对你有信心
I'm sure you can handle it.我相信你能处理这件事儿。
Sit in on sth(the calss).旁观

I've got a handle on the problem.我处理这个问题有点眉目了。
What's your handle?你的绰号是什么?
This car handles well.这部车很容易开。

=========第41课=====Hearing news消息灵通人士
I just heard about (it)……我刚刚听说 ……
I already know/knew about (it)……我已经听说了 ……
Oh,That's old news.这是条旧消息。
get over it.日子还过的去。

Don't believe everything you hear.不要相信那些道听途说的事情。
I've heard a lot about you.我听说过很多你的事情了。
I didn't hear what you just said.我没听见你刚才说的


=========第42课=====Wish good luck in sports赛场风云
Best of luck to you.祝你吉星高照!
May the best man/woman win.希望最棒的人获胜。
Always be a good sport.永远要有运动精神。
Don't be a sore loser.不要做输不起的人。
Girl watching看女生
I can't stress this enough.我无法更加的强调了(这个事情的重要性)

You lucked out.你很幸运啊!
I'm down on my luck.我走运的时光没有了。
Don't push your luck.不要贪得无厌哦。

Hey,great job!嘿!干得好!
You're the best!你是最棒的!
Keep up the good work.继续努力工作吧。
come through (v.)经历, 脱险, 传出, 捐助,经历,成功.

I'm working on an answer.我在找寻答案。
I hope things work out for you.我希望一切都顺利进行。
You're quite the piece of work.你这人太有趣了。


=========第44课=====When somebody asks you stupid questions玩世不恭
How should I know?我怎么知道?
What're you asking me for?你问我干什么?
Do I look like I know everything?我看起来象什么事情都知道吗?
I got you/I get you我作弄到你了

You're asking for trouble.你是在找麻烦。
Don't ask me.别问我。
If you ask me,she's going to win.我觉得她会赢的

=========第45课=====Accept offers欣然接受
Sure.(I) don't mind if I do.我不介意这么做(用于接受别人的什么OFFER)。
I'd appreciate that.我会很感谢的。
Wow.That would be great!那太棒了!
taken on尝试

You don't appreciate how busy I am.你不理解我有多么的忙。
She really appreciates good food.她确实喜欢美食。
Your help would be greatly appreciated.我们会非常感谢你的帮助的。


=========第46课=====Movement in crowd人海之中
Excuse me,could I get by? please.劳驾,过一下可以吗?
Pardon me,coming through!对不起,过一下!
Hey,watch where you're going!嘿,走路小心点儿。
make sb feel at ease by……使某人放松

Watch what you're doing.留心你在做什么!
Watch yourself.自己小心点儿。
Watch your mouth.留意自己说的话。

Hey,how was your vacation.嘿,你的假期过得怎么样?
My vacation was wonderful/terrible.我的假期过得太棒了/太糟糕了!
What did you do on your vacation?你在度假的时候干什么来着?
This guy's gotta be a blast.
a blast喧嚣的聚会,狂欢会令人极兴奋或愉快的经历、事件或热闹聚会

That's terrible news.这个消息太可怕了。
I did terribly on my exems.我的考试考得很糟糕。
I'm terribly sorry.我太抱歉了。


=========第48课=====Asking for direction迷途知返
Do you know where ...(the bank) is?你知道……(银行)在哪儿吗?
How much longer till we get there?我们到那儿还有多远?
Is there a faster way to get there?有更近一点的路到那儿吗?
How do we get to ……?去……应该怎么走?
at this point=at this time;在此时此刻

I can't run any faster.我不会跑得比这更快了。
I'm fasting for three days.我禁食三天。
The clock's ten minutes fast.这个表快10分钟。


=========第49课=====Say goodbye一路顺风
Bon Voyage=good voyage=good trip.(回答:Goodbye/take care)旅途愉快。
Don't forget to write.(回答:I won't)别忘了给我写信。
I'm really gonna miss you.(回答:Me too)我会想你的!
to brenk into tears/laugh/song.(进入某种状态)

I missed my chance.我错过了机遇。
You missed my point entirely.你完全不懂我在说些什么。
I'll give that a miss.我选择放弃。

=========第50课=====In good mood情绪飞扬
I'm fine.我很好。
I'm in a good/bad mood.我的心情很好/坏。
I'm having a great/horrible day!我今天过得很愉快/糟糕!
I'm on top of the world!我好高兴哦!
I'm not too well.我不是很好。
You don't want to know!你不会想知道的(太糟糕了)
Dinner's on me.晚餐我请客。

He's really moody today.他今天很情绪化。
Let's put on some mood music.我来播放一段优美的歌曲。
I'm not in a joking mood.我今天没有心情开玩笑。
